At Elder Workshop we are committed to being sustainably friendly. We source our wood from houses getting renovations, torn down or situations where it would be wasted or thrown away, to give it a new life and help out our planet where we can.
New Zealand Native Rimu is a type of redwood tree that is protected and isn't used for logging anymore. It is a strong wood that was used a lot in building New Zealand homes before it became protected. So when renovations happen it is often thrown away or discarded, so this is where I get a lot of my wood for my products, as I aim to be eco friendly and reuse and recycle where I can. It is a highly versatile and valuable beautiful wood, and can be hard to come by at times.
Depending where the wood comes from in the tree will determine the colour.
Heartwood is usually in the core of the tree and is a a rich red-brown colour with hints of golden yellow and often the grain isn't in straight lines which makes for a beautiful look.
The intermediate colour zone that surrounds the heartwood is more common and is a varied light brown colour giving rise to interesting shadings of colour and grain. Often you'll see patches of yellow or the wood changing colour very obviously when it gets close to the sapwood.
Sapwood is the outer layer of the tree and is the most common has a lighter brown tone and is generally even in colour, meaning there isn't really any grain and very few knots as the trees grows quite tall with only branches at the top.
Pine tree's aren't native to New Zealand and our most commercially grown tree is Radiata Pine although we have a couple of species that occur in New Zealand, Libocedrus bidwillii and Libocedrus plumosa also called kaikawaka, kawaka and pāhutea and they are also known as New Zealand cedar.
Outwards appearance does vary but the wood colour and grain is very similar. I mostly use Radiata Pine but sometimes will get some New Zealand pine/ cedar for my products.